Dr. Denis Alexander: “Genes, Determinism, and God”

Hilary Term 2013 Week 2 Talk by Dr. Denis Alexander: “Genes, Determinism, and God.”
Audio Player

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Dr. Elaine Storkey: “Christian views of gender roles and gender differentiation”

Hilary Term 2013 Week 1 Talk by Dr. Elaine Storkey: “Christian views of gender roles and gender differentiation.”
Audio Player

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Revd Dr. Christian Hofreiter: “Did God command genocide?”

Michaelmas Term 2012 Week 8 Talk by Revd Dr. Christian Hofreiter: “Did God command genocide?”
Audio Player

Download the talk by right-clicking here and choosing ‘save target as’

Dr. Roger Trigg: “What’s special about religious freedom?”

Michaelmas Term 2012 Week 5 Talk by Dr. Roger Trigg: “What’s special about religious freedom?”
Audio Player

Download the talk by right-clicking here and choosing ‘save target as’