Emmett Price III // Ethnomusicology & the Black Church

Emmett G. Price III is one of the nation’s leading experts on Music of the African Diaspora, Christian Worship and the Black Christian Experience. A well-regarded scholar, educator and public theologian, Dr. Price has the unique ability to capture the hearts and minds of the most diverse and versatile audiences with his compassionate sense of humor, his amicable intellect and his quick wit. He is a noted print and broadcast media expert, as well as a widely sought after keynote speaker and preacher.

Part 1

Dr. Kosta Milkov // Faith, Culture and Mission in the Balkan States

16 November 2020

Dr. Kosta Milkov is the Director of RZIM Macedonia, and is the Founder and Director of the Balkan Institute for Faith and Culture. He earned an MA in Theology from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. From 2005 – 2010 he lived in England, where he earned an MSt and a DPhil in the fields of Early Christian Studies and Patristics at the University of Oxford, for which he received the Langham International Partnership Scholarship.

Kosta has been involved in research work, which includes his participation in the Postdoctoral Research Seminar organised by Langham International Partnership, the Balkan Strategy Report for the Global Scripture Impact of the American Bible Society, as well as writing numerous newspaper and magazine articles for the Macedonian press.

Panel: Teaching in the University as a Christian

Teaching in the University as a Christian

Wk 6 MT: 12/11/2018

Andi Wang, Georgina Prineppi, Kezia Gaitskell, and Sam Brewitt-Taylor will discuss their reflections on their teaching experiences (in a university context and beyond). Lessons learnt on teaching well, how Christianity has impacted how & what they teach, how teaching has influenced their Christian growth, and tough times as a teacher.

Dr. Adrienne Chaplin: “On the strange place of religion in contemporary art – some Christian responses”

2010 Talk by Dr. Adrienne Chaplin: “On the strange place of religion in contemporary art – some Christian responses.”
Audio Player

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