Daniel Hadas, Kings College London: “The Bible as a Greek Text”
Previous Talks
Richard Middleton: “A New Heaven and a New Earth: For God So Loved the World”
Richard Middleton, Rochester New York: “A New Heaven and a New Earth: For God So Loved the World”
Donald Hay: “Seeking the shalom of the University”
HT 2017 Week 7 Donald Hay: “Seeking the shalom of the University”
Maddy Ward: “Quakerism”
HT 2017 Week 6 – Maddy Ward: “Quakerism”
Mark Clavier: “Satisfying Delight: Enjoying God, creation and others in a consumer culture”
HT 2017 Week 3 – Mark Clavier: “Satisfying Delight: Enjoying God, creation and others in a consumer culture”
Sarah Coakley (Cambridge): “How I Changed My Mind”
HT 2017 Week 4 – Sarah Coakley (Cambridge): “How I Changed My Mind”
Chris Southgate: “Difficult Thoughts about Glory: how should we understand the glory of God in the Scriptures, how might we see it in nature, how might we be part of it?”
MT 2016 Week 5 – Chris Southgate: “Difficult Thoughts about Glory: how should we understand the glory of God in the Scriptures, how might we see it in nature, how might we be part of it?”
Matt Thomas: “Justified by faith apart from… what exactly? Works of the law’ in the early church”
MT 2016 Week 4 – Matt Thomas: “Justified by faith apart from… what exactly? Works of the law’ in the early church”
Robert Gilbert: “Beauty and Science: why you have to be human to work things out”
MT 2016 Week 3 – Robert Gilbert: “Beauty and Science: why you have to be human to work things out”
Sarah C. Williams – ‘The Spirituality of Time’
MT 2016 Week 2 talk by Sarah C. Williams – ‘The Spirituality of Time’