Previous Talks

Dr. Philip Entwistle: “The Dragon and the Lamb: Christianity, Nationalism and Political Engagement in Urban China”

Trinity Term 2015 Week 8 Talk by Dr. Philip Entwistle: “The Dragon and the Lamb: Christianity, Nationalism and Political Engagement in Urban China.”

Download the talk by right-clicking here and choosing ‘save target as’. Sections have been cut from the recording in order to protect the identities of interview respondents.

Corrections from speaker:
Bo Xilai was not jailed for his direct involvement in the murder of a British businessman, but for covering up the murder by firing the police chief who was investigating the case (and on various accounts of bribery and embezzlement).

Xi Jinping was born in 1953, not 1959. With the exception of Li Keqiang, Xi is the youngest member of the Politburo Standing Committee.